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Strength Finder Test

In fall of 2019, I took Honors 201.  In this class, we took a strength finder test that helps to identify different leadership skills.  The test consisted of multiple questions about responses to specific situations.  Based on those responses, it lists your top five leadership skills. My top five strengths are adaptability, individualization, empathy, developer, and futuristic.  I read different sections of the book, Strength Based Leadership, to learn how I can use my strengths to help others.  Before taking this test, I was not aware of some of these strengths and that I use

them to lead others.  I realized that some of my strengths are my weaknesses.  I look to find everyone’s strengths and try to help them achieve in this way, which plays into the empathy strength..  However, I believe that sometimes I go too far by walking them through it instead of leading them.  I start to focus on the little things instead of the big picture.  Another example is my ability to adapt.  I am able to go with the flow to say when something isn’t going according to plan.  However, this can become a weakness as I can do as others say too much.  I need to work on standing my ground in situations that don’t require me to adapt to other people’s needs instead of working towards a common goal.

I have been able to identify how my strengths can be used in a team setting.  As a member of the Concert Wind Ensemble on campus, I have learned to adapt to different circumstances.  I have to be able to adjust my playing to the rest of the group.  I have also used my futuristic strength because I am able to see future goals.  I can make plans on how I want to be able to play at the concert and can come up with a strategy to achieve these goals.  Every member of the ensemble has a different set of strengths and we had to learn to play as a group using these strengths.  It took awhile for the group to learn how other members learn and play.  After playing with each other for a couple of weeks, we learned how to use the different strengths and work together as a team. 

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